Membership Benefits
What Can the USAP Provide You?
The USAP exists to serve the needs of Pride organizations, which produce and support Pride events for the benefit of their respective communities. We learn from one another by sharing experience, knowledge, and best practices. We build unity in the Pride movement locally and globally through education, programming, resources, networking, and representation.​
Resources & Networking
With an extensive global network at InterPride, membership with the USAP provides access to your peers in the United States and we connect you to the global Pride network.
Conference & Education
As a participant in the United States Pride Movement, recognizing the importance and value of continuing to sharpen your skills, grow your knowledge base, and expand your network can mean the difference between struggling and success. At USAP, learning never stops, and we're pleased to offer a variety of ongoing opportunities to help meet your educational goals such as our Annual Conference, Online meetings, shared resources, and mentoring. This is in addition to many resources available through InterPride.
Membership in InterPride
With your USAP Membership, your Pride organization will also receive a complimentary joint membership with InterPride, the international association of Pride organizers.
Discounts on Industry Products
USAP is actively securing discounted members-only pricing on products and services to help ease bottom-line spending for your organization such as discounted D&O Insurance and General Liability insurance.
Become a member and you join a network of peers who are doing inspiring work across the country. Each member adds a unique vibe and perspective to USAP. Be inspired and learn from the best and help make your Pride better with mentorship and communication with other Pride members.
Financial Assistance
When COVID-19 hit, USAP was the first Pride association to raise funds and provide relief to Pride organizations. Grants were available for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that suffered significant financial hardship from the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.
We understand that not everyone has it in their budget to be able to attend the annual convention or other educational seminars, which is why we offer financial assistance to those who qualify such as Conference Scholarships and Membership assistance.
Advocacy & Media Representation
The USAP serves the needs of the United States Pride movement. We are here to represent and stand by you on multiple fronts, helping to ensure the most positive environment possible for our movement to succeeded including being available to the media regarding issues applicable to the movement and providing news and story ideas for local media to focus on when covering your event.
Logo Placement
Build credibility by aligning your organization with the premier national and international Pride associations by posting the USAP Member and InterPride logo on your website and promotional materials.
Networking Opportunities Locally and Globally
Whether you're attending the USAP's Annual Convention, InterPride’s Annual General Meeting, Online Meetings, or Seminars, the networking opportunities with your peers are endless.
Industry Resource Library
Need examples of how to write a contract? Interested in what other volunteer handbooks include? Curious about how your organization's operations and marketing materials compare with others? You'll find this information and more with one of the USAP's most valuable benefits – access to online samples and the InterPride Document Repository.
Discounts to Programs
Membership with the USAP not only allows you access to the many programs, services, and tools that are not always offered to non-members, but you are able to access them at a reduced member rate.
Annual Conference
USAP Members are able to enjoy member-only pricing for registration to the Annual Conference and access to programs. For some, that’s more than the cost of your membership alone!
Third Party Benefits
Benefits and discounts for members negotiated by InterPride with vendors.
Click on the listing to see the offers in detail:
ShowClix Event Ticketing Solutions
ShowClix takes event ticketing software to the next level. They are a full-service ticketing company that helps event organizers provide the best possible experience for their attendees. ShowClix will waive all fees associated with setting up a ticketing account for InterPride Members (up to a $1,200 value).
ShowClix will do the following as part of the setup process:
Create a ShowClix ticketing account
Offer discounted per ticket service fees
Custom brand one online ticketing page
Provide a personal training session on the ticketing system and scanners
Assist with event promotion through social media and event promotion partners
ShowClix will provide InterPride members with one free iPod ticket scanner for their event.
Saves on insurance expenses for US member organizations.
Pride Labs is the world leader in LGBTI mobile apps, delivering daily content to over 300,000 individuals on mobile devices around the world. Pride Labs is the official mobile apps provider for InterPride and is sponsoring LGBTI Prides around the globe with next-generation mobile apps that cost organizers nothing to build and can help generate significant new revenues.